the Zealous

08 Sep 18
Big companies have procurement departments that use supplier contracts that contain clauses like this (from an actual big company supplier agreement (presented as "non-negotiable") for the purchase of off-site services, and one that already imposes robust confidentiality obligations on the supplier):

Supplier will: (a) designate one employee to be in charge of Supplier’s information security program; (b) maintain adequate physical security of all premises in which BIGCO Information will be processed and/or stored including that physical media containing such records is stored in locked facilities, storage areas or containers; (c) implement reasonable precautions with respect to the employment of, and access given to, Supplier personnel and contractors, including background checks; screening; security clearances that assign specific access privileges to individuals; training and security awareness programs for personnel and contractors; monito

31 Jul 18

I recently took a major personal and professional leap: I switched to Windows from Mac, after nearly 20 years of being a dedicated Apple fan-boy.

I have been a Mac-addict since 2002, when my then-new employer at the time allowed me to acquire whatever new computer I wanted. MacOS X had just been released, with much buzz and hoopla. I chose Mac as an act of defiance, a repudiation of what I perceived to be an oppressively conformist Windows environment. It was also a nod to my past; my first ever home computer was an Apple II+, purchased by my father when I was fourteen.
20 Jun 18

From this piece on how to network with other lawyers for purposes of referring matters that are outside your wheelhouse:

As a solo attorney you can’t be all things to all people. You are just one person and only can cover so many areas of law in your practice. What happens when a client comes to you with something outside your area of expertise?

The one thing that you don’t want to do is say, “Sorry, I don’t do that. Good luck in finding someone else.”

You want to keep the client, so you do your best to refer the case to someone else. But how do you find someone who can take care of your client’s needs? And how do you know if that lawyer is any good?